1 year ago

Leaving Tower Princess: I've come for you! community.

don't get me wrong i'm still looking forward to the game there just have not much going on in the community anymore or updates on the game on the community post.

bye and good luck my fellow knights hope you find your princess.



Next up

@gamejolt do you means palworld?


A update on the final soundtrack for The folly of mankind album it almost done.

Boss fight and die in it from lunacid

We're still working on it, but... how would you call something like a #flamethrower powered by #mushrooms? #TowerPrincess #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #UE4 #UnrealEngine

Which hank from do you prefer?

From madness combat.

Now some special attacks affect the #grass too (so they can better seen!) #whatchathink?

#TowerPrincess #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #UE4 #UnrealEngine #VFXfriday

Game Jolt Client is not the website.

I have beat Tower of Abyss in lunacid in the third try.

Yay #FriendlyFolks! After waiting sooo long we're finally working together again! Get ready for a bunch of #cool new stuff in the next weeks! #TowerPrincess #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame #indiedevlife #homeofficeNoMore

Release date for The Folly of Mankind is 20/Feb/2024.