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^ ∆ ^ Daily PixelArt | 192 | ^ ∆ ^

^ ∆ ^ Hot Ness Monster ^ ∆ ^

| T 🍏 T | Daily PixelArt | 177 | | T 🍏 T |

| T 🍏 T | Meadow Creature | T 🍏 T |

- _ 🦾 - Daily PixelArt | 178 | - 🦾 _ -

- _ 🦾 - Well-Armored Dwarf - 🦾 _ -

★ * 🐝 Bee Swarm Simulator 🐝 * ★

#Small/#Tiny/#Bitty Error hiding under a #Mushroom with a #Little #Spider friend, guess he got out of the anti void, but what is hes plan now? and why is he hiding? or better said from what/who? is he even hiding?
