Let me just tell you one thing: If you see that I haven't posted anything for a day, it means that either there is no news, I'm bored, or I have a problem and can't post. So don't worry.
Next up
MaurĂcio and I are working and collaborating on fnaf reboot edition android game and thank you NDU for helping us and please follow if you like fnaf plus android game
game link:https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnafrebootandroid/977307
A help section has been added to the FNAF reboot edition game, which is good news for those who are playing FNAF Plus for the first time and don't know how to defeat the robots.
We are going to have a VHS in the game FNAF Reloaded that will be shown at the beginning of the game and this picture is part of the VHS.
We haven't reached 300 yet but I couldn't wait to post this, so here it is!
Remembering that all models will be in a model pack as soon as the game comes out!!
New photos of tasks from the game port.
(Chica task)
Have you ever noticed this picture in the screenshots of the FNAF reboot edition game?!
FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!
A photo was released from the game FNAF Reloaded showing a page, and this page may be in the game's tasks section or early in the game.