Plot Summary:
Wonders of Patience follows the story of Charlotte, the second out of the eight fallen into the UNDERGROUND. Where, long ago, Monsters were sealed after a long war with Humans. One fateful day many years later, Charlotte, a little girl was watching TV, and refused to leave, so, to get it back, her big brother along his friend group made a plan to delay her, so he could get the TV back. The plan consisted was to fool Charlotte into going to the MT. EBOTT. to "save her favorite character, that was being attacked by a monster!", handing her a Toy Knife in the process. When she arrived, she got scared by her big brother and his friends, who were wearing monsters masks, making her trip with an old rope and falling. Your objective Charlotte guide herself into a more hostile UNDERGROUND, and return home safely, never losing your PATIENCE.
You know? At first I just thought this was another dead project that had no ground or any real work being put into it. But after a while I start to see that that's not the case at all! Not only is the character design good (For the MC & logo) but the pixel art seems really good so far. I do hope you check out this project if you haven't already. I have a good feeling about it!