Undertale: Twists & Turns (Fan-game)

3 days ago

Let's get to things step by step.

Firstly, progress was frozen because our coder, Drendy, disappeared in another world and make a harem out of cute isekai girls- Wait what...

To be more serious, Drendy had a lot of problems in real life connected to his mental health. Due to it, he felt burnt out and not capable of continuing his work.

There was a glimpse of hope when he returned to help with Undertale: Flowey's Inside Out. Sadly after completing version for GameJam, he disappeared again and I didn't hear anything since February. He rarely appear online and don't answer my messages.

That's why you don't hear much about Twists&Turns. For the last year we were searching for new coder who can match his skills and do things on the same level or even better. No one will argue that from technical perspective, Facing Demons and Asriel were successful.

But now we found someone who agreed to help us. This person is @Angelo18105 , very talented and friendly person. But since T&T is very large project and we already had things going, we decided firstly to test our partnership on different project which we will announce soon.

If Angelo will feel like staying with us, we will return to T&T and FIO to finish it to representative state. But for now all I can share is a bunch of teasers, references and concepts.

If you don't mind, let's roll!


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Next up

So... Is it Chara? Or The First?


Both =)

* About me? Nothing too much...

And in case anyone will try to mock us again, use this picture

After "The Truth" about IGB team, we decided to make a little side-kick to make an apology to Voltra! Well, in a specific way...

Big ambitions, not much power

"classic storyshift" by the way in case you forgot

We're working on already third redesign of Chara. Because, yes, she is very deep person, so we want to fully demonstrate it even through design

One good things out of this argument, people now say that Facing Demons Chara is "classic storyshift" lmao. Good job, ask-dcf.

Artwork by Morfy btw, cool dude