Ultimate Custom Night: Roots

4 months ago

Let's put it back together again...

From the start-

Unfortunately, yes, I think the original project file of UCN Roots is gone, but in my effort to try to get it back, I found a much older build of the game that I was able to extract. It only has all of the animatronics from FNAF 1 to FNAF 2. So, I'm going to have to start building the game back up from there. I going to change the way I work on it though.

The new way-

Since now it will never come out in time for FNAF's 10-year anniversary, I'm going to take more time to do little stuff along the way. I'm also thinking, since I have all of this time, I could add skins for characters that would be unlockable through challenges. Here's the cool part, every so often I'm going to make a new build of the game to publish! The first build will come out somewhere today!


I think for right now this way of things will be better. Mainly because I think yall deserve something for waiting this long for the game, and now we can work together to make the game better! If any of you have a skin idea, a challenge idea, a menu theme idea, or really any idea for the game then I would love to hear it! Now, that I will be publishing builds from now on, it will be easier to add your ideas, and fix bugs yall might find! The builds will also be named after what game the animatronics I'm working on at that moment is from. An example would be the first build, it will be called FNAF 2 build 1 because I haven't really started on working on the animatronics for FNAF 3.

It does suck that all that progress is lost, but I do think yall will enjoy this new way of things. Have a good day and enjoy the first build.



Next up

It's that time again! The UCN Roots FNAF World Build1 is now out!

Report glitches before they spread.

So, I've got bad news...

Fredbear's Family Diner

Air duct pals!


I'd like to announce that all of the animatronics from Help Wanted and the Curse of Dreadbear are done! Here's the demonstration as well.

Once again, the new UCN Roots build is now out! This time I have a question. If anyone beats the challenge Fredbear & Friends, I'd like to know. The reason I want to know is for fun, since it is pretty challenging.

BY THE HOUR - Night 333 - Releasing 8 PM EST

Artwork by @Mecabuyte

Happy 100 followers! Thank you yall so much for being there!