Project Collision

5 years ago

Let´s Talk About HUD

One of the most recognizable elements in the smash games is the heads up display or HUD, and so this week we wanted to show you the battle HUD of Collision


The desing is briefly inspired from smash 4´s hud and a bit from ultimate´s since this was made during ultimate´s hype wave.

while it may look simple, there´s a lot of work behind it such as character renders, franchise logos, stock icons, and more


In addition, some character will get special hud elements, like Cloud´s limit and Villager´s pocket in ultimate, in our case, Kirby, who as of now we can´t give him proper hats, so we decided to give him a little circle wich shows the ability that kirby currently has, represented by a stock icon, we plans to do the same with fighters who have these additions, characters we feel should have them and a select list of newcomers.


We hope you liked this weeks post and keep and eye out for more.



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