Project Collision

5 years ago

Let's talk about the Characters Presentation

First things first, we aren't going to talk about any new characters today

As we all know, ever since brawl every new character introduced in smash has his own presentation screen when revealed. and we are no different, It´s going to be like Smash 4/Ultimate with a little extra touch to it.


This is an example of a simplified splash screen, intended to be used by a returning or already known fighter, using the render of the character in the game, with some modification according to the reveal.


As for the new characters, they will have a more produced background with a little iconic tag line added, as well as an unique render for the reveal. (This is an Example)


And of course these screens will look better in motion, but you´ll see that some other time

We hope you enjoy the post, we are working hard on the DEMO and a few newcomer reveals, thank you so much for your patience and see you next time.

Also a little sneak peek...




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