Life Line
6 years ago

Life Line 0.8.0 Update!

I will come back for you…

It’s here! The iteration we’ve all been waiting for (or at least I’ve been waiting for)! Highscores, trophies, better menus, better connection with GameJolt… I really worked hard on this one, so I hope you all enjoy it!

——- Highscores + Game Jolt’s API Veredict ——-

I don’t know how long I’ve been teasing this, but it’s finally done! I’ve been working on this for months, and it’s been a wild ride. Game Jolt’s API is amazing, but there’s something I messed up with: I decided to trust other user’s libraries instead of creating my own. After understanding that this was a grave mistake, I decided to dive right into learning how HTTPs requests work within Game Maker, what it means to use an API, and, not only will this mean a lot for me in the future, but this is going to open up a whole new area for me: I’m going to work on a library for this awesome community! Stay tuned!

  • Highscore Menu: Here you can see the current highscores for each of the modes. By clicking on the arrows, you toggle the mode you want to see the top socres for.

  • Highscore Submission: Inmediately after dying (mandatoru to be logged on), or once you pass level 100 (in either mode), your score will be submitted.

——- Profile & Trophies ——-

Now you can see a display of the earned trophies from your profile page. You need to be logged on to Game Jolt from Life Line for it to be visible.

  • New Trophy Animation: The previous animation was way too bulky and non-asthetic. I’ve redesigned it to look fresh and for it to fit in along the game’s overall vibe. Each time you get a trophy, it will be updated in both Life Line and Game Jolt, so you don’t need to worry about saving anything.

——- Main Menu ——-

The Main Menu has been completely revamped. A lot of the things added to the menu weren’t that great before, so I decided to completely redo it. It may look the same (as intended) but the inner structure has been remodeled so it works better and is more comprehensive for both the player and the programmer (me).

  • New Options: Previously there were only a few options, and now, you have a lot of new menus, such as: Extras (expect new things to pop up here soon), Profile and Highscores.

  • Log Out Option: Now you don’t need to restart the whole game to Log Out.

——- New Boss Fight System for Levels 10, 20 and 30 ——-

You’ve all been saying that the first 3 boss fights were a bit repetitive and got boring after some time, so I decided to toy around and make them a bit more fun. Check them out and see if you can spot the differences. Level 10 looks very similar to how it was originally intended, because it’s an easy approach for newcomers, so please bear that in mind.

——- New Song + New Song Teaser ——-

Level 100 (?) Transition song:
Level ∞ Sneak Peak:

——- Bug Fixes & Upgrades ——-

One of the most difficult things for a programmer to fix are bugs. The more you upgrade your game, the worse it gets (literally). Here’s just a few of the things I managed to fix:

  • Bug Fix: The frame rate after a few levels started to decrease to the point where playing was impossible. This was due to a memory leak within the particle system emerging from the Life Line center. This has been fixed and now you should experience the game as fluid as I originally wanted.

  • Bug Fix: A lot of unexpected errors emerged from the previous library for Game Jolt’s API, so I managed to fix a lot of the problems with my own interpretation. Now everything should work out fine, but if you have problems, please let me know in the comments!

  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue that made the timer dissappear after pausing the game in a boss fight.

——- Known Errors & Bugs ——-

I am aware of severe audio errors which I am still working on fixing, so please stay tuned. In case you find any unknown errors, please, do let me know in the comment section.

Thank you for the support, and see you next update!



Next up

Okay, so what's so important about a screenshot of the game? Well... It's running on Android! More news coming soon!

Life Line version 0.6.0 releasing tomorrow! And prepare yourself… This update is packed with new features!


I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

My D&D art for my family so far (WIP if you couldn't tell)

If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

Coming Soon...

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog: