Linux builds are finally up (sorry for the wait!), meaning that all three major desktop platforms now have conveniently playable builds. Yay!
I wanted to take a moment to mention some things that might be beneficial to new players to help them appreciate the game a little better.
Left click will interact with objects in the world
Right click will expand your inventory, allowing you to use things you’ve picked up with object in the world
There are more than three scenes (there are 16 all up!)
The interaction highlight for most usable objects will disappear once a puzzle has been solved
The red fish is a puffer fish - they can expand from being very small to very large very quickly!
There’s only a generic “use” animation when interacting with stuff (with front, back, left and right variations). We had hoped to put a shrug, and “I can’t do that” type animation in, but we ran out of time
Don’t worry about your starfish friend. In a cutscene that didn’t make it into the game, you are reunited and everything is happy :)
The small orange circuit breaker has a tiny, tiny click target
It can be hard to tell what needs to be done in the computer core, and what the requirements of each action are
We’re planning to revist the game and flesh out some of the missing bits and pieces, but we’d like to leave the game as it is until the Adventure Jam voting process is over (click here to vote for Above The Waves if you like it, and do check out the other games as well!). For anybody who’s interested, here’s a list of stuff that we’re likely to add/improve:
Positive and negative animation cues for player interactions
Environmental audio
Sound cues for player interactions
Anmations for other sea creatures
Missing background art
Additional cutscenes
More detail in the final puzzle
Save/load support
And since it’s always nice to include a picture in a post, here’s a shot of Mim working on some art with one of our the octopus friends we have floating around our house ^_^