Here is the list of game bugs that you may encounter in the game so far.
If you are being chased by the monster, try not to go through the same door after you went through it, the monster will be gone but the music will still be playimg until the next chase scene.
If you have an outdated version of the game, there are some objects that you can walk on. EG: in the oil room if you can walk on the fireplace, you need to update the game.
There are some rooms in the game that the monster isnโt programmed to go in. I will soon fix it as soon as I can so there is less confusion.
If you use an item at a location that you are supposed to use something else, the command of that first item will commence. EG: if you are supposed to use the hammer at the boulders but you click the glass shard, it will tell you to cut the wallpaper.