Well! There is a post here! (IF YOU SAW THE FIRST ONE. UM. NO YOU DIDN'T <3 - i posted this on the wrong page)
After a .. very hectic week, I am finally back with some more news! After a productive few days coding, I'm pleased to say that progress on the game proper has begun! At least, a little bit of it, anyway :D
What's New?:

Seven new rooms built in the starting area!
Murder and Pacifist consequences
Rudimentary puzzles!
NPC functionality and implementation
More world flags that make the world feel more alive and reponsive, as well as a global "plot" flag for main beats!
Lighting ... ?
What's Coming Up?:

Improved collision, sound effects, and hopefully more soundtrack!
Implementation of story-specific cutscenes
Several bug fixes, including one that makes the lights in the windows look like the entire Underground simultaneously started having a rave.
Improved animation/look of certain sprites, as well as revamping some old ones from Undertale!
Fixing a very strange, specific bug where my save points have decided to become my mortal enemy
I'm really pleased with how development has been going recently! All going well, I feel confident that with this pace, I may actually have something workable to start super-mega beta-testing it!! Of course, slow and steady - the last thing I want is a poorly finished product!