Undertale Purple

5 months ago

Log Seven (point Five): Preparations for Battle!

Hello! How is everyone's progressing through spooky month? I hope it's just as scary as tackling my code right now!

It's been a little longer than I wanted it to be, but I'm here with a dev log! Yippee! Not much to report this time, but I'll give you the main overview:


Yeah, that's really what I've spent most of my time working on. It's a lot harder than I originally gave credit for.

If you check back in my earlier logs, you'll see that the battle system is seemingly one of the first things I worked on! Unfortunately, this isn't really the case - I worked on that mockup battle menu and room to test the perameters of what I'd need, and I did it with such insanely spaghettified code that I'm not even sure a black hole would touch it.

So.. I tore it all down!

And here I am now ... doing it again!

After pouring over Toby's code for far longer than any sane man should do, I've gotten the encounter, kill and step scripts working in the overworld! I've never been so excited over a debug message before!


Of course, there are a thousand kinks I need to work out when it comes to the actual initiation of battle, buuuut ... all that will come in due time.

On the plus side, the actual transition from the overworld to the battle room certifiably works, so soon, it'll be easy testing time while I work out the main battle mechanics and all of that.

OVERV-- .. wait, that's it?

Yes, sorry to say! All of my efforts are focused on A) Living and B) The Battle System.

Unfortunately ... life is tough at the moment.

But we persevere and push on ahead anyway, despite it all! I want this game to be good, and I want you all to enjoy it, so I will take my time!

To sate your curiosity, please, take a little guy that I'm excited for you to see! But ... only a part of him. You'll have to use your imaginations for the rest!


Have fun! Persevere!



Next up

Log One: The Future Is In The Palm Of Our Hands!

Log Five: Trials and Tribulations (and Puzzles (and Japes))

Log Six: Writing, Leveling and Scaling Up!

Log Two: Battle! Of the Battle System

Log Seven: Bibliography!

Log Four: You Can Always Come Home!

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Successful landing


Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^