Faded Solitude

3 years ago

Log of August (2021) - Written, revised and revised again. It's looking quite promising!

Hello again,

Alright-alright. I got my lovely work station back after some moving. Only now school is taking up a good chunk of my time and energy. Ey, what can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Work on the game of course.

Let's see what we did this August:

August Development

  1. Reviewing dialogue review!
    A good chunk has been written, revised and revised again. Previously unknown story connections have been made... Lots of new scenery... More depth to characters... Puzzles... For us, it's looking quite promising. We can't share much, atm.

    It's quite exciting to have the "meat" of the story finished. That's usually the hardest part. Still need to wrap things up, though. Like with past dialogue, we already have a vague idea of what we want.

  2. Fixing bugs on hi-res
    Our Coder (@RocketBoyweee ) got himself some 4k monitors. He played the game. Stuff happened. He's looking into it.

  3. More cave assets! Both new and edited
    Got some catching up to do. It's harder than before because I'm studying. But I'll do my best.

  4. Replacing NPC textures for our faceswap system
    Tedious process, but it'll make stuff a lot more flexible and save a lot more texture space. Still a w.i.p.


    Also, faceless Helina...

That's it for August 2021. See you in a month once again. Huheh.



Next up

Log of July (2022) - Mysterious 'thing' complete!

Log of August (2022) - Bunch-a of small things

Hey peeps! Today we bring you something new:

A YouTube video! About Faded Solitude and the six years we've spent on it so far :-)

Check it out here:

Log of June (2022) - Summer begins!

Log of May (2022) - Lorry's fall

Log of December (2021) - 2021 in review

Log of February-March (2022) - 2 for the price of 1, but it's free anyway!

Log of January (2022) - We're secretly interior designers

Log of December (2022) - End of year wrap up! (What we've been doing these past silent months)

From all of us to all of you :)

Log of April (2022) - So much new stuff!