horrible nights
16 days ago

looking for 2nd artist of game so practically the st4d concepct wont be burned and chap 2


maybe you're telling

''you should do the art, it requires practice but will worth''

i know

mostly none will accepct and would end looking like a attetion seeker

requirements are simple


2.feel sure of you can work at this game

3 and oblitgatory.

send art

you will be RATED in everything of the art

and required calification is like school


read actually this step because last time someone showed me his art without read

dont even dare use ai or steal art

and better have a good reputation


loonarin has been kicked from the dev team due certain problems that happened and fear that it causes devlopment hell



Next up

casually leaking myself




so remaked masacror's desing.

might do poisens next

this year is actually scarly fast omagah

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

last leak for chap 1

''hope you like rabbit holes''

"The Synthesis"

my late april fools joke will be this game will never get released and get replaced with a tower defense that prob will be cashgrab


change of plans chaps

chap 1 artist will be


also we are also taking off the humor of last game in this one

say goodbye the horn of nulli's

I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

nvm other one week

man at this point i will die of hypothemia anytime doesnt matter whar even if theres no fucking snow