Crafty's Play Zone
2 months ago

Looking to maybe get another small patch out for Crafty's Play Zone at some point soon!

It'll focus on making some things clearer such as showing when a Minigame has been 100%, as well as making Tricksy Towers a teeny bit easier (it's way too difficult).



Next up

To celebrate 2 years since Pee Paw 1...


Choose your path and date either Pee Paw Afton, Map Bot or Vanny!

The game was meant to release today, but there's been a delay. Hopefully look forward to it TOMORROW! :D

Faz-dle: FNAF Wordle is here!

I've never seen anybody make a FNAF-themed Wordle game before, so I made one myself!

Try and guess the FNAF characters based on very zoomed-in images of them! Good luck!

I was wondering where all these new followers were coming from, but now it all makes sense... XD

Welcome to Crafty's Play Zone! And I hope you enjoy your stay!

Development 4: The Database sections (SPOILERS)

I'm a little late on this dev log, but this does contain spoilers for secret parts of Crafty's Play Zone! It will discuss how the Database sections of the game have evolved over time!

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Development 3: Version 0 and Scrapped Mechanics

Version 0 is an important character in my Black Bear's Picnic story, so I felt he just had to make an appearance in Crafty's Play Zone!

I'll also merge this dev log with some scrapped mechanics too!

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Now that Crafty's Play Zone has been out for a bit, it's time to announce the upcoming DLC I'm working on:

Introducing "Crafty-HQ Rom-Com Simulator"!

Try to get a date with either Crafty, Mama or Tricksy with the help of the Cupidlets.

Coming Soon!

Another background to tease this upcoming game! >:D

1 week remains for the new Pee Paw project...

Here's one of many backgrounds that is in it!

Crafty's Play Zone should hopefully be releasing tomorrow! I'm going to do one last bit of playtesting first though...

I'll be sure to let you all know if there's any delays from game-breaking bugs, hoping that everything goes smoothly!

Welcome to Pee Paw Afton's Dating Simulator!

Set in the same universe as our Pee Paw Afton series, try and date one of three characters! Different endings are available depending on your choices made!