so lets get this quick
credits to:
@THE-GREAT-OMAR for the main lore
@Pixel641 for the endings
something happened and you go to a monsters world (furry world is real)
the original idea was that "you died while sleeping" but i think that is dumb so idk what i do to the main character
this world have no day-night cycle and it is stuck on bright day
when a monster dies, they turn into a star
too much stars = the night would come
night = bad
the main character's gender doesn't matter, what actually "matters" is who is speaking:
if it's a male monster, the main character is referred as he/him.
if it's a female monster, the main character is referred as she/her.
if the monster doesn't want to say their gender or doesn't have a gender, they won't even use pronouns for the main character.
idea: the bunny character (aka bunnity) is just a vessel (deltarune reference ) and the main character is a spirit of some sort
we'll basically copy the pokemon lore:
there's someone evil, who wants to destroy the world, and we need to stop them.
their plan is to make the light of the day to end, also know as turning into night.
the antagonist is a leader of a team (mystery dungeon reference ) which i was thinking for some names, like "Team Dayend", "Team NightNoDay" or a bad one like "Team Goodnight"
the antagonist itself could be this character in the post, the anthropomorphism electric vaporeon.
no names of this character yet, but i think it's female because of the skirt.
(i know this thing of "blue doesn't mean its only for boys" and "pink doesn't mean its only for girls", i just dont feel like to add 50 genders to this game)
idea: there's a comic called Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Tales of the Underground and it's a pokemon mystery dungeon + undertale.
in this comic, they had to lower down the enemy hp to spare them
i dont think i'll do this idea because i really like the idea of acting
with The Great Omar's words: "and when you spawn Neyko tells you that you came from the heavens(aka the real world) to help her world against this cult. So she is kinda against killing. I think something that could support this is that her fight button could be replaced with something like a fake attack button (like the one from ut) that is just used to scare enemies and deals the least amount of damage possible"
i could make the fake attack button like the False Swipe move in pokémon, but nah, idk yet, i'll probably not going to do it
i spend like 1-2 hours making the act function :sob:
there will be 3 endings (hopefully)
you stay in the monster's world, with all your friends that you made along the way (stuck as a furry
with Pixel's words: "you kinda "sacrifice" by staying on that world forever, as your new world and your new you, protecting the whole day-night thingy as some sort of savior for them¿"
this is the equivalent as the true pacifistYOU make the night happen, YOU kill everyone you saw in your way, leaving this world useless and getting back into your reality
ok maybe Pixel didn't suggested that, but it was very similar to the next, so i decided to edit a little
this is the equivalent as the genocideyou go back to your reality, making sure the world is at peace, just like how It was before you came
this is the equivalent as the pacifist/neutral
idea number 1, custom protagonist personality:
you could choose the protagonist personality
- questions:
"if someone you never seen give you a candy, how you would react?"
"you see your best friend, and they complimented. how you would react?"
"someone give you a hug, how you would react?"
- possible answers: happy, sad, confused, angry, distrusted, shy, dont react
idea number 2, sun is relevant:
- there are only 2 stars (the sun and an actual star)
- the actual star is you, so when you enter the monsters world, the star will be gone
- MAYBE the sun is somewhat a god for monsters and the actual star is the sun son/daughter/kid/whatever (? idk about that)
idea number 3, human(s) in monsters world:
so there is a character that i want(ed) to make it an human, this one:

- the plan is that this character hides himself/herself from the monsters, idk why, ill be thinking about that
- at one point they would reveal, only if you choose him/her as partner (maybe)