Vagrus - The Riven Realms

2 months ago

Lost Pilgrims "Old Acquaintances" Release Team Gathering

To celebrate the release of Old Acquaintances in a somewhat different fashion than usual, the team gathered for a long-awaited session of boardgaming last week. And this, dear vagri, was no game of Monopoly – oh no! Instead, a struggle awaited us in the form of the game Eldritch Horror. And so everyone gathered, and we began learning the rules. This was the kind of team building we could all get behind. Sure enough, soon the pieces were in their places and it was time to cooperate; after all, we had an apocalypse of the Ancient Ones looking down the barrel at us!


As time wore on, and the creations of H.P. Lovecraft came to beset all present, the hours flew past. We wondered: could we truly stop the impending menace? Some began to drink, while others remained steadfast, employing their esoteric characters to the fullest. Laughter abounded, stories were told – speculation about our fate was rife. We looked outside and noticed that night had fallen, and our goal was not yet realized. In good spirits we pushed on.


On and on we toiled, victory within our grasp and the hour late. Alas, we could not conclude the adventure: the last buses were leaving and tomorrow’s responsibilities loomed large.

We are, however, confident that we would have succeeded in the end. We would’ve overcome Azathoth, the Demon Sultan, and in good spirits, too.

Now it’s full speed ahead with our next DLC at Lost Pilgrims. Perhaps when it’s released we can try and defeat the challenge presented by Eldritch Horror again. This pilgrim wouldn’t mind another shot. Stay safe, stay vigilant, and conquer the wasteland!

- The Lost Pilgrims Team

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Next up

Vagrus Feedback and Coverage Round-up

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.172 Codename: Victorious

New Build is OUT - Patch 1.170.0618W - Hotfix & Localization

Coming QoL Changes and Improvements

Lost Pilgrims at Fighting Fantasy Fest 5

The Hotfix and Our DLCs

Our Dedicated Demo (Prologue) Page

Quality of Life: Key Bindings and Comitatus UI

Arenas Negras Menu Background with Old Acquaintances Release

Chunky DLCs and Price Increases