Sunny's Cafe: Desolation
1 year ago

Lots of progress on the basement/night 7 has been made today! As much as i want to post a screenshot of it, I can't becasue it's like a secrect ending kind of lmao. I will say though I'm very happy with how it's turning out! stay tuned.



Next up

The game is extremely close to being finished!

Once the extras menu is complete, I just have to play test and polish it all up, then it's done!


Reminder to go follow the third game in the series, Sunny's Cafe 3: The Warehouse!

My physique progress over the years, taken from my TikTok page because I don't wanna do stuff right now kinda

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

The game is out now! Have fun!

"The Synthesis"

New banner and pfp

The Lost In Isolation Game Jam has officially started!

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