4 months ago

Lucy Wseley (Main Hero of Lucy's Awakening)

(Spoiler Alert, please Play Lucy's Awakening before proceed)

Lucy stood amid the smoldering ruins of her kingdom, tears streaking down her soot-stained cheeks. The Vercenia tragedy had stolen everything, her home, her family, her innocence. At just 5 years old, she was utterly alone and on her way to Terra Village for a new start.

Except for one thing. Around her neck was her mother's white scarf, given to her during the destruction of Vercenia Kingdom, "Never forget who you are," her mother's final words echoed in her mind. And "I will comeback for you, sis! Gotta help dad!" her brother Lus last words.

In that moment, Lucy made an unbreakable vow. She would honor her family's legacy and master the blade, roaming the wild lands of Galasca to become a sword-fighter with outstanding skills.

Only then could she knew peace - or have a chance at quenching her thirst for righteous vengeance against whom has taken her loved ones.

And so began Lucy's epic adventure across the sprawling, untamed continent. She traveled through deep, foreboding forests, her sword fending off wild beasts and foul creatures. Lucy's journey took her far across the lands of Galasca in search of adventure and a way to honor her fallen family. It was in the Wolf's den that she first encountered her unlikely companions.

Ashley, a feisty young ranger, who aim to hunt down monsters to save Galasca. Mike, a bumbling but good-natured bounty hunter who fancied himself a ladies' man. And Cecilia, a mage seeking redemption after a mysterious wrong.

Though an odd quartet, they became steadfast allies after Lucy saved them from the nefarious pirate Capt. Ivan and his deadly sidekick assassins, Kidos and Oliva. Not to long after, Cecilia joins the group and starts her own agenda.

From there, their quests became interwoven, facing one threatening force after another. They battled the fierce Syver and Raiven, a teammates from Vercenia stood by each other side and became mercenary warlords. Lucy's blades whirled in a dazzling vortex, cutting down their mights with mesmerizing prowess.

Their travels led them to the forsaken LongHorn Town, where the fabled the leader of Elite Four unveiled their terror upon the realms. Phantom, a ghostly wraith who could corrupt the very minds of men. Not too long, Lucy has defeated Hasty, a blazing dual-wielder with incredible speed. Fury, a brutal wolfen berserker of unquenchable rage. And Zawy, a twisted beast who could open chaos and weakness to anyone she sees.

One by one, Lucy and her companions felled the Elite Four through tenacity, courage, and no small amount of luck. As they pressed onward toward the next sinister threat, the ultimate evil, Shade spirit in Zacks body, renown as Shade, The Dark Knight. Joining this malevolent force was Zack's younger brother, Ridel. the wretched Shade, whose mastery of the dark arts held no bounds.

A cataclysmic battle erupted when Zack succeeded in his dark ritual, summoning the mighty Dark Shade. As Ridel, Mike, Cecilia and Ashley fought against Zack's limitless power, Lucy found herself locked in her possession prison to duel with Shade himself within her.

Shade's aim was to impale and possess Lucy's very soul to serve his will. With animations of her blades whirling like lights, Lucy deflected and spun, her radiant arcs tracing gyres of light through the darkness.

At the final stroke, Lus and Ridel pierced through Shade's dark form, his wail of anguish shattering the Vercenia Castle stained glass. As he dissipated into shadows of Demonic World, Lucy turned her blades toward the entrance of the Demonic World gates with radiant sword-light cutting seal. To close it once again

Moments later, Zack himself appeared, cackling madly as he absorbed the echoes of Shade's power. "You delays only strip your world of hope!" he cried, obsidian flames erupting from his maw.

With a defiant cry of "For my family!" Lucy brandished her swords, their brilliant light intensifying into an awe-inspiring supernova. She channeled all her courage, all her love for those lost, into a blinding spiral attack that engulfed Zack in holy judgement.

When the dust settled, the Shadow Lord was no more - his wretched spirit purged from the mortal plane in an embodiment of Lucy's indomitable will. The eclipse faded, light winning over shadow at last.

In the years that followed, the tales of Lucy the Radiant Blademaster became a source of great hope and inspiration across all the realms. Though she had lost much, her incredible bravery in the face of overwhelming darkness shone like a beacon, ensuring evil would never again taint the bright future she had reclaimed.



Next up

Vercenia Kingdom

Hearst Village

Kirkstead Highs

Hawford Witches Academy

Ryzing Volcano

Vex Riva (Main Hero of Zack's Revenge)

Lus Wseley (Main Hero of Lus's Adventure)

Sandbrook Islands

Spring Vale village

Skas Village