4 months ago

Vex Riva (Main Hero of Zack's Revenge)

(Spoiler Alert, please Play Zack's Revenge before proceed)

The deafening explosion rocked the Vercenia, crumbling whole sections of the majestic kingdom. Eighteen-year-old Cavery Riva could only watch in horror as the demon Shade obliterated everything in his path during his cataclysmic escape from the Demonic World by Azel.

It was amidst the rubble that Cavery heard the faintest cry - a newborn infant, his arms and legs horrifically severed yet clinging to life. Something within the young scientist prompted him to recover the baby, swaddling its tattered form to rush back to his secretive tech-lab.

Over the next twenty years, Cavery raised the orphaned child as his own, secretly instituting Project Blasers in honor of his brother. He pioneered artificial bionics, crafting mechanical limbs and subfusion implants. But nothing was more important than the synthetic arms and legs being prepared for his adopted son.

On Vex Riva's 20th nameday, Cavery presented him with Black Diamond Blaser Arms and Legs, their inky articulated plating alive with thrumming iridescence. Intricate runes danced across the liquid diamond surfaces, pulsing with Vercenia's powerful lifeblood. Covered with gold plates to hide a Vercenian treasured Dark Gem.

"Take these improved Blaser limbs, and find your true calling," Cavery intoned.

With a determined nod, Vex departed to experience the outside world - unknowingly heading toward a fateful reunion with the father he never knew. For the blazing dual-wielder Hasty was in truth Seif, the very man who had trained young Lus Wesley decades ago and went to search for his son, Vex.

Their clash was epic, streaks of plasma crisscrossing as Vex's diamond limbs parried Hasty's blades. Both warriors fought with desperate tenacity, believing the other a hellish foe. It was only when their duel raged back to Cavery's lab that the painful truth finally broke through.

"Seif! Brother, you're alive!" Cavery cried, recognizing his fallen sibling.

With that distraction, Vex struck down Hasty, verdant fluids spilling. As Hasty's fell, Cavery rushed to his older brother, aghast at the revelation.

For Cavery's brother, Seif, three years his elder, had succumbed to the lures of power and joined Shade's forces years ago as the Elite Four's Hasty. It was a gut-wrenching truth Cavery could hardly accept.

In the aftermath, a weary truce was forged as Vex agreed to let his father recover within their sanctuary. Awoken by familiar biosynthesis, Hasty's hate smoldered but did not extinguish. Some part of Seif's noble spirit still flickered.

Darkness loomed as Shade's demonic legions amassed. Cecilia, the powerful high mage, knew drastic measures were required. Awakenings rocked the land as she issued the summons to unite all realms against the greater evil.

Mike the bounty hunter, Ashley the huntress, and Lucy the Radiant White Knight drew arms once more. The noble centaurs charged forth, alongside marsh-covens of wild Hawford witches. Even the pirate Capt. Ivan joined with the mercenaries Syver and Raiven in temporary truce.

And in the most shocking inclusion, the vile Ridlen clan - Zack and Ridel - fought against their sworn adversaries, compelled by a darker revelation. They were offspring of none other than Shade himself, their demonic lineage unveiled.

Rocked by this truth, the tormented Zack steeled his hatred, determined to vanquish his maleficent sire no matter the cost. Beside the young warriors stood Vex and Hasty, their familial rift tempered by a greater mission.

The great battle commenced at the hellish precipice, steel and flames clashing in an endless onslaught. Vex's liquid-diamond limbs pummeled through Shade's footsoldiers, while Hasty's blades cut through demonic flanks. As the tide turned, Lus tossed one of his blades to Ashley.

As their cosmic conflict reached a crescendo, Zack and Hasty made their final, selfless acts. With his innate link, Zack fortified Vex's Blaser limbs to their full power. Meanwhile, Hasty unleashed every ounce of his being, his berserker slashes, distorting reality itself.

In a blinding supernova of purification, Shade was obliterated forever - the demon vanquished by the combined might of forsaken kin. But the implosion ruptured the planar boundaries, demons spilling through the fissures. Steeling herself, Lucy handed her holy Blade of Light to Vex. "You must seal the rift, Vex!"

Vex accepted the sacred sword, joining its purifying energies with his Blaser limbs in an apocalyptic torrent. The rifts began contracting, hellish forces pulled backward as the Demonic World's gateways slammed shut for eternity.

Zack and Seif disintegrated in the holocaust, the ultimate sacrifice to sever Shade's accursed lineage. The hellish gateways sealed forever, the realms were saved by the redemption of a once-fallen brother and his son's bravery.

In the solemnly triumphant aftermath, Vex returned to the threshold of Cavery's lab. Twin meteor Blaser vambraces pulsed with energy, eager to answer the call of destiny anew.

Cavery embraced the young man, tears streaking his face. "Your father atoned for his sins. Our family's honor is restored."

Thus did the Riva dynasty rise from tragedy to protectors of the realms, forged from the embers of Shade's malice. Tempered by the indomitable bonds of family, the bittersweet choices would echo across the ages.

For in that cataclysmic saga was the truth that infinite bravery, despite its costs, could reign over the blackest of sorceries when united as one - the dawning of a new era built on the noblest of sacrifices and the unbreakable fealty of kin.



Next up

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