2 months ago

made a variant of Dandy's World and Sonic The Hedgehog where the other's cast replaces the original basically (but they are put in fitting roles)

read article for what I have gathered abt the D.W themed S.T.H AU!

(pls dont kill me over this.)

from what the Shelly and Tisha of the AU have told me, it seems the Toons are in these roles;

Shelly = Sonic

Tisha = Tails

Sprout and Cosmo = Knuckles

Boxten = Amy

Dandy and Pebble = Flickies

Baking Emeralds = Chaos Emeralds

Cooking Emeralds = Super Emeralds

Buffet Emerald = Master Emerald

Tech Stones = Time Stones

Burner Shelly = Metal Sonic

Green Shelly = Silver Sonic/Mecha Sonic MK.I

Dino Snore Shelly = Mecha Sonic/Mecha Sonic MK.II

Astro = Chaos and the Chao

Connie = Tikal

Goob (he has his prototype design it seems, aka E.G.G) = Shadow

Gigi = Rouge

Dandy (but from what Shelly told me it seems to be Twisted Dandy) = the Biolizard

Shrimpo = Black Doom

Razzle = Iblis

Dazzle = Mephiles

Finn = Silver

Scraps = Blaze

Vee = Eggman

. . .and that's all I got.

Might tell ya more if I can find it.

(inspired by a talking with @luv2h8 , thought of it mid-conversation, srry for being rude T^T)

Shelly Emoticon -> (OvO))

pls dont kill me over this.



Next up

Goob matches Scraps for fun, even if it's only the ears.

and yea that is pretty much it.

did it because everyone else was too busy turning him into a dog, so. . .


just saying!

let me tell ya a bit of a creepy story abt Vee

(its a headcanon btw, also read article to read said story.)

what I think Twisted Tisha and Twisted Shelly's relationship is as of the game.

also now I have hugged both Shellys, I feel a bit more complete now :)

also the comic is in a greenhouse floor :O

Comics u suggested from the Polls I put up sooner or later :)

random G.C Gigi redesign and other things

she is ready to cause death lol

have fun trying to read the lore text again

also the cheese is getting grilled for Skit 1 Redrawn

sketchers is still down sighhh…have my quick 2000s mom teagan ig…sighhhh…..

the new profile banner lol

yeah thats it

just showing the full pic

Skin 1 Redrawn is here!

1st time Pebble appears lol

I grilled the Cheese ;)

look in article if ya want

4 to 5 months later and still no idea where to put this!

OG comic made by Absolutenutcase and it had Spongebob, Goku and Squidward. (noice comic btw)

current stuff abt my OCs lol (that are mostly original)

Boxal's revamped interactions are here too!

read article for more stuff abt them