(Open Source Project) Black Death Survival
9 years ago

Main Menu Screenshot and AI news

So, i added the Main Menu screenshot so you can take a look at the stage of things, it’s not the final menu, but it’s just for you to choose what you want to play since there will be several different levels.

Also, regarding AI (Artifficial Inteligence), I just finished the main Animal AI script that will controll most of the animals. The Gorilla is fully working and he’s currently dropping 2 meat pieces from his legs, so that you can eat.

On other items, I’ve added the Bow that helps in the mid-long range attacks.

Also in that Main Menu screenshot you can see a campfire, that’s easily crafted currently using 6 rocks and 8 wood sticks.

For those wondering, I would place the current stage of development on the 90% to Alpha. There are yet some final details to do, and currently the game is muted (no sounds yet) so I’ll need to take care of those too. I don’t want to say “Alpha will be release on Xth of Y of 201Z” because I can’t promess due to this being a free-time project.

Thanks as always for the support.



Next up


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

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it happens

Coming Soon...

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