The second part is here! There are 5 new weapons and a bunch of changes. The 3rd (and final) part will have a whole lot of news levels.

New stuff
-5 brand new weapons:
-Nikov: Rifle replacement with more ammo but higher spread and lower attack speed
-Stock: Shotgun replacement with higher range but less ammo
-Tennis Cannon: Launcher replacement, less ammo but shoots tennisballs that bounce once
-Tracey: C.H.K. replacement that shoots tracers and has less firerate
-Scorch Shot: Goldun re-skin
-5 new trophies for all new weapons
-Re-did the Pink Slime dying sprite
-Decreased Cannon’s reserve ammo from 100 to 75
-Increased Shotgun’s reserve ammo from 40 to 50
-Decreased Dual-B’s reserve ammo from 40 to 35
-Other small hardly-noticeable changes to the gravity system
-Fixed weapons getting disabled on themselves
-Fixed weapons getting disabled after switching on some occasions
-Bunch of other small bugfixes