Pokemon - Tower of Masters

3 years ago



Next up

Update 1.1.0 is coming monday it will be released with a lot of awesome stuff #rpg #action #adventure #fantasy #questions #early #gods #demons

Fixing some bugs and the crafting system is about done to for the release of the new update today. #rpg #action #adventure #fantasy #questions

Got bored and decided to draw bulbasaur :3 (he is my favourite starter)

I have been listening to Pokedance for what feels like an eternity and I am not bored yet

Update 0.2.1

Small update for the upcoming weekend until the big update on Monday you can now download it and play the game #rpg #adventure #fantasy #action #questions #game #indiegames

porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

Smal info Making some sample for the second map in the early game. #rpg #adventure #fantasy #gods #demons #questions #early #devlog

Here's flappy bird but with Pokemon

Walking is finished now time to make the official map and monsters for the first map #rpg #action #adventure #fantasy #question #indiegame #gods #demons