Marble Mania - A Physics Platformer
3 years ago

Marble Mania 1.1 - Bug Fix

I've been very happy with the release of Marble Mania - 25+ downloads so far, thanks everyone!

Now onto the point of this update - I've learned that it's actually impossible to get all of the collectables, haha. One of the Night level collectables wouldn't actually collect, so that's been fixed. Previous save files ~should~ be compatible, so it you completed the Night level but were cheated out of a collectable, you'll just have to go back and get the pinball collectable again (it should respawn upon getting 8500 points again).



-Fixed bug with pinball collectable

-Added some checkpoints to the night level

-Fixed menu bug upon leaving pinball



Next up

Thanks for 50+ downloads! I'm very happy with how Marble Mania has performed and I hope you've all been enjoying it.

Release Date - Devlog 5-24-2021

New Aesthetics - Devlog 3-29-2021

Been working on a Tetris clone recently, mostly for my own learning. I hope to make it very customizable - custom block skins/rotation modes/drop speed/etc.

Menus and Hub - Devlog 5-7-2021

MARBLE MANIA IS OUT! I've worked on this game for so long, it's nice to finally have a finished product. Marble Mania is a 2D Physics Platformer, with open levels and collectables.

#Gaming #IndieGame #GameDev #IndieDev #Platformer #Physics

Marble Mania will finally release today! I wanted to show off the hub, it keeps track of your progress with a statue that builds as you complete levels.

#Gaming #Games #GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGame #Platformer

Won't be able to work on this for a few days due to vacation - Here's a sneak peak of the new level to tide you over

Wanted to preview some of the levels from my physics platformer #IndieGame Marble Mania before release. The Construction level features a lot of vertical movement and moving platforms.

#Gaming #Games #GameDev #IndieDev #Platformer

Reliable Reactors Co. is launched! Made this game in 48 hours for Ludum Dare. Was a real challenge, but I managed to barely scrape by the deadline. You play as a power plant worker trying to regulate an unstable reactor.