Marble Mania - A Physics Platformer

4 years ago

Release Date - Devlog 5-24-2021

Hey guys! We're finally at the end of the road here. All the content for Marble Mania is done. I've been fixing bugs and polishing things up for the past week or so, and now all I've got to add are sounds. This devlog will be a bit light, since there isn't much to show off visually.

Marble Mania releases this Saturday, on May 29th.

All I have to show off today is the collectable statue:


The game finally has a goal! As you collect the 15 collectables from the 3 levels, you reconstruct this statue in the hub. Once you complete the statue it gets some cool particles. Neat.

I'm really excited to release Marble Mania. It's a bit rough, and perhaps a bit hard on the eyes (haha), but it's the first project I've worked on for a real long time like this. I've learned a lot about level design and 2d character controls.

I think it's pretty fun, you can platform slow and methodically or throw caution to the wind and go fast with wide jumps. The physics make control a bit slippery, but you can really flow with them once you get used to them.

I've got to touch it up some, but I think you'll enjoy Marble Mania for what it is. To anyone who has followed this page from the beginning, thank you. I'm excited to get this to you guys.

#Platformer #Release #Devlog #Indie



Next up

Wanted to preview some of the levels from my physics platformer #IndieGame Marble Mania before release. The Construction level features a lot of vertical movement and moving platforms.

#Gaming #Games #GameDev #IndieDev #Platformer

Been working on a Tetris clone recently, mostly for my own learning. I hope to make it very customizable - custom block skins/rotation modes/drop speed/etc.

Menus and Hub - Devlog 5-7-2021

Thanks for 50+ downloads! I'm very happy with how Marble Mania has performed and I hope you've all been enjoying it.

Beach Elements - Devlog 3-1-2021

Reliable Reactors Co. is launched! Made this game in 48 hours for Ludum Dare. Was a real challenge, but I managed to barely scrape by the deadline. You play as a power plant worker trying to regulate an unstable reactor.

Literal Pinball - Devlog 4-18-2021

Marble Mania releases tomorrow! Tonight I want to show off the city night level. It's full of dazzling lights and also marble Pinball.

#Gaming #Games #GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGame #Platformer

Won't be able to work on this for a few days due to vacation - Here's a sneak peak of the new level to tide you over

New Aesthetics - Devlog 3-29-2021