8 months ago

me and my bro watched super mario bros movie and he went "they're proud of their rainbow sons๐Ÿ’€" in this scene


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๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘‘ @KoolCirby


Who's also excited for the new Mario & Luigi game?! #GJAsks

Post-it doodle

Wasn't really motivated today. Just have this Mr.Virtual doodle.

Duolingo getting pou'd

Meet Nex!

She's a close friend to Darryl in regards to his music production as she's quite able to.. uh... make matters work to her benefit. (Pun not intended.) She can't handle her power as it takes a toll on her body as well, so no OP!!!

I'm gonna kms

Why did I even start this