2 years ago

Me when nothing new: 😭



Next up

Released an update to the game I'm making 4 days ago! The update added 1 new world, and a lot of quality improvements! The game takes around an hour to beat right now, and is completely free!! Download:

Hi everyone!

We did not think this would take so long to make, but finally, after 3 months, Glowtown 2 is here! Have a spooky time playing!

Out and about in the cold!⛰️ Download demo and Wishlist here!🧊❄️

Version 0.4.10 just released! Here are the changes:

I have this pretty weird issue where when trying to upload a game build, the percentage will get stuck at a random number, so I have to refresh the page and hope it randomly goes to 100 percent. (Waiting doesn't make it un-stuck btw)

Go search up "Cube Guy" on Steam, and then wishlist it, would be kind of awesome ngl

We may work on another big update for Glowtown, if we do, this will be in it!

Version 0.4.7 is out, yay! I usually type what changed in like a list, but I felt like it would be easier to showcase this small update with a video Would be awesome if you followed and downloaded the game

A timer, hooray