Howdy folks! We're really in the final stretch now. Levels are all done, just needing a bit more polish, and now I've finished the hub and most of the menus. This is finally becoming an interconnected game instead of just some assorted levels, and I'm excited to show you my progress.
First let's take a look at the hub:

This area connects all the levels. Each door leads to a different level, and displays the collectables already gotten above it. Collectables save, so if you have a hard time on a certain part you can try another level for a while and come back.
A cool effect I added is the opening of the doors:

Each door opens to a preview of the level it leads to. It's a small detail, but I'm always looking for opportunities to add things like this. I think it makes the game more polished.
Other than the hub I wanted to show off the new menus. Here we have the main menu:

Here I'm switching the themes manually, but in-game they switch to whichever level you played last before logging out. I'm a sucker for dynamic menus.
We also have the level menu:

Very simple, but appealing and serviceable.
Well folks, it's taken awhile but we're really starting to wind things down here. The end is in sight, and I'll be able to get this to you guys soon. To those of you who have been reading these things, thanks, it really motivates me. Talk to you guys next time, peace.