Time Twist At Fredrick's

21 days ago

Mfw; I gotta wait 6 years for @SilverGuy to finish the assets for the game so me and mickey can code it all together.

Everyone in the comments of this post spam "Lmonkey"



Next up

TFFP A0 menu demo v0.2.8 out now!.

Use 7zip, NCH and or winrar to open this file please and thank you.

6 pigs.

a bears bite force is 1200 psi.

Every shadow is a caution.


im writing the lore!1111!

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

"When I found you, you didn't look like.. Yourself, your eyes were gone- instead of in their sockets, found on the floor of you're office. Your leg bent backwards, and your torso bitten into. You're death will not be in vain duke. I will end this" - Earl.

πŸ•ΉοΈ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! πŸ•ΉοΈ

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

The tffp act 0 2 night demo is almost 60% done!.

We don't think that we can get it out by the end of the month, but maybe early June. Theres not much left-

The rest of the cameras, phone calls and AI is left.