
3 years ago

MicroWorm - Is any life on motherboard? This is release!

Microworm - it is peaceful videogame about collecting diskettes.
Meditative gameplay. All is simple - levels, you walk on them, and collecting diskettes. Sometimes, there are funny creatures.



Next up

Bugs and flowers - summer field

Bugs in the field. Flower field – it is amazing beautiful point of view. And there are living and fly here and there – a lots of bugs. Very different. It is their house.

Microworm – how I get the idea?

This article gives some memories and ideas, conceptions about this small but peacful videogame. Take some cup of tea and read, my friend!

Wolfie – a walk in a bushes at the sky

Pixel art for today based on videogame Fire and Ice for system Amiga Cd32. Game is colorful and bright. It is a game about a little wolf. Games like that, there were a lot of them for my favorite IBM PC MS DOS.

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time πŸ‘»


Microworm is going to his friend, as a guest – micro insect. He walks by green road at the board. Capacitor is heating up the world with light. So it was a bright and warm day. It is easy to say, a hot day.

Short video on the progress of our gameβ™₯

Oh, one more! It is about computers. Cpu, memmory blocks, video, chips, all this all difficult. But it is not dificult for microworm.

Mole at the country house

Three dimensional scene for today. Mole at the country house. Mole at the country house, and he is working with his shovel. And he is growing up plants. So, he has, already, all the ground done with seedbeds.

Micro fishing

Today, microworm is going to fishing. With his friend. His friend it is a little spider. He lives near a Bios chip. He has many legs and hands.