1 year ago

Minecraft player vs the warden



Next up

I tried creating something in the video. The art was top notch. Forgive me for the AI music

And I added it to YouTube https://youtu.be/ybnIMpYOWwY


Final cover design

Finally done with my game after staying up till 3AM


Thank you to everyone who joined me for my Creeper Cake fireside! It was fun to make and great to see so many names I recognized. And a big thank you for the charged stickers - they really do help us creators out! 😊

Want to start using Anime Studio.

Celebrate Minecraft's 15th anniversary with these quests! Unlock a new background!

The game was first released to the public on May 17, 2009.

Check your quest log to start completing the quests!

The Itch.io Hopping Spring Bundle with 95 games at $11.57


Finished my video trailer and an update

Version 1.8.3


Here we go!

(and yes, I gave him booty cheeks!)

You can tip with charged stickers please!

I am giving out a hundred and eleven game for free. Instead of paying $170, pick what you want https://itch.io/b/2303/itchio-itching-for-games