Five Golden Nights At Freddy's 3
2 years ago

Minor Patch: v1.0.2

- Fixed bug, one of the items reappearing when used, when moving to the next section of the map.

- When deleting save data, you keep the Custom Night Mode

- Hint that appears on custom night loading screen is now "less vague".



Next up

Working on an in-game achievements menu for the Hayami game, I've also updated the font for the options menu.

Hayami-Chan with a somewhat new look, wooooooh!!

and yes, Hayami-chan were always suppose to be like a Maid-ish kind of character lol.

Android port wip.

This will be transformed into it's own thing, basically it will not be Headpat Simulator 2 but rather like, Headpat Simulator Pocket or something in that nature.

Some features will have to be changed or removed to work correctly etc.

The progress of the game is coming along nicely.

maybe 30-40% completed, gameplay wise. Every time I add something new or change something it needs to be tested (for bugs & difficulty etc)

Stay tuned for more updates!

Hayami-Chan x Tomomi

(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Do you like fan-service?

Not really a redesign, mostly me finishing the current design of her.