Flipping Reality
2 years ago

Minor Update 1.2.0


  • Save Game

  • More Secrets


  • Changes to Secret Areas

  • Better movement

  • Changed the environment for slightly easier movement

  • Updated titlescreen


  • Auto-Tile not functioning correctly and rotating individual tiles

  • Sounds not playing for certain movements

  • Text not fading

  • Moving platforms causing the player to jiggle.

While I didn't add much to the main game I will be doing a lot more in the next update for the demo, not gonna say too much except that I plan to make the beginning part much larger and a way to get out of the 'Suicide Ending' that will lead to a much larger area in the same style with more obstacles and story.

For now, I will be focusing on finishing Six Hours with a Box's development for its Spring release.



Next up

I got into the Batman Arkham games recently and discovered I can do a pretty good Joker impression.

Here's a pixelated Joker piece I made in about half an hour!

New Release, 2.14.0: The "Endless" Update!

Lights: DIE OUT, Devlog 1 - This is gonna be fun!

Just finished my third ever GameJam!

who the fuck is this I just found him on my computer

eight years... #spawnday

Devlog 17: Accepting imperfection

"you got games on yo phone?"

I've fixed over a dozen bugs, heavily improved the gameplay, and now I must prepare to add the new content! Here's a screenshot btw

(GameJolt compression kinda ruins it)