Abnormality Watch

5 months ago

Mist Will Settle Upon Blood-Stained Metal



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Major Abnormality Watch Devlog!!!

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Unfortunate Abnormality Watch News

Check it out

Could definitely use some more glow around the edges but aside from that, I think it looks awesome

Edit: I fixed it up a little

Then, in the middle of all the chaotic cries, someone shouted: 'It's the monster! Big, terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!'

Looks like Facility X-099 has received some mail...

Abnormality Watch is to be featured in @Daze-378 's Scratch Fnaf Fangame Direct

Expect to see us!


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Game Development has its sorrows, but it also has its joys

I just finished a true pacifist run of Undertale!!

this remains one of the only images i've seen to bring me actual fear

something about it just seems too realistic to me
