The closest thing to lore that I could give you is that fact that I killed my freinds in the order they were befriended in the first place with

  1. @Emotivechart being first

  2. @therealglosetik being second

  3. @JaydynplattYT being third

  4. and @gamelli being last.



Next up

I hate everything and everyone.

Unnamed Monofied FNaF Character.

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

Help Wanted 2 level concept.

(I know it looks like a piece of shit fuck off)


He can still see you without eyes.

Lord Vader decides to delete his Minecraft world

Made in Blender.

#StarWarsArt #FanArtFriday #ArtWeeklies #Minecraft #Blender #Animation #3D #3DArt #DeathStar #Space

Repost of someone else’s video because I’m fucking out of content.