My Art Gallery

1 year ago

Monthly Art gallery: December 2022

Random Holiday poem

Hollies are Red

Yer face is Blue

Hands that are cold

Let me hold

Body that is chilled

Please, Come inside

Warm up by the fire

I have something Nice

Just fer you

On this cold, evening night

I promise

you'll be well and Alright ~

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...oh my Fazbear

How Fucking Fasinating, do tell me more as i love hearing all the shit pouring from yer mouth. ~

(Mini joke but sometimes that's just a mood when shit happens lol)


What am i running on?

Determination & SPITE!

Monthly Gallery: June

2023 Monthly Gallery: May

2023 Monthly Gallery: July

Drew this instead of sleeping but i don't care.

It feels good to draw again. Not perfect and it's gonna take practice to get to where i was but sometimes, you just need to revisit your roots and just enjoy the process. ~

flaws can be beautiful too

Sleep sleep

count some sheep

close your eyes

take a slumber

saw some lumber


listen to water falling or flowing

a gentle thunder storm

calm and soothing

not enough?

find what eases you

what brings you

into the dreamscape

for a visit this night

Motivation low

so look out below

Gotta recharge

gotta rekindle

be kind, be fair

Take in a breath of fresh air

Look at nature and unwind

Do yourself that much and take time