My Art Gallery

3 months ago

2024 Monthly Gallery: Jan


Mask of size and color

crafted or woven

they hide a burden

one alone must bear

It can handle many a task and yet

a warning is shown still

once it fractures then cracks

Despair and agony

hate and strife

So much going on

in this one simple life

The mask continues to chip off

Bit by bit, more and more

til nothing is left to hide

tears, hurt, sadness and grief

It all can be too far too much

To yearn for freedom is common

What kind though?

There's a few paths

yet a few are dark and cruel

peace and quiet just as so

How much more can one take?

what is low enough before i can swim up?

I feel like i'm drowning

pressure building up

I feel myself float falling down

while reaching for those i loved so dear

Only for them to push me away

Let me sink, go on ahead

Make no mistake though

I'm no quitter, I'm no Weakling

Tears may flow and my heart shall ache

Yet I growl,

teeth bared as i feel a fire deep within

ignite up once again

Let me down and cut me away

I'll find a way and make my own day

I'll do what i must no matter how many times

I may bust, fall or fail

It's better to do all that and more

than to never try again or just simply give up

A Tiring trial yes but life is worth it

So is a veiw once you reach the top of a mtn.


Once you break the water's surface

Take in a breath and see the area around you

Sometimes you just emerge

in a place much better than before.



Next up

2024 Monthly Gallery: March

2023 Monthly Gallery: May

2023 Monthly Gallery: Nov

(Bit late than i'd like but oh well)


* Had PC problems but was fixed enough to use again

* Released a new P2U base and trying out a monthly adopt

* Catching up on projects

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


Old creation old but still good esp since it's early vent art with an idea i once had....

Have You Played Lethal Company? What's a fun story that's happened to you while playing?


2024 Monthly Gallery: Feb


(For both PC and Android devices.)

...painful mood...