Hey, sorry this is a little late, but I do have some good news.
If you didn’t already know I’ve been having a bit of dev-block (see what I did there? I invented a new word ^.^) and have also been mostly been focusing on other projects.
Well, I’m still actively updating and promoting Hind Sight 2, but I got a what you’d call “burst of inspiration” this morning for GUIDANCE!
I’ll be busy this weekend, so don’t know when I’ll start working on it, but I finally can see what the next step in development is!
Hopefully I should have more interesting things to share next month! ^.^
In the meantime, I do have other projects going on that may or may not interest you, so keep an eye on my other stuff if it interests you.
I might be doing more songs with lyrics too, as well as short animations.
Off-topic, I know, but since I don’t have much to say, I figure it’s worth mentioning.
You have a good one now ^.^
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