Star Story
8 years ago

Monthy Update

#Update 16.04.28


First of all, apologies for being quiet for such a long while.
This project was on a temporary hold, but my hands are itching to resume it.
I will first finish my experimental Löve2D project “BallPlay Cupid” and after that, I’ll be all on the run to resume the works on Star Story. I needed this long break from this project. Writing an RPG game all alone is hard work, and then a few breaks from the projects are required to make sure the end product will not suffer from lack of motivation and rushing things up.

So in the end this long rest is only of the better.
The work is very likely to be resumed in June. In “BallPlay Cupid” does not suffer too many setbacks this might even be the case after next week.


In the meantime I placed Sue McLeod (about whom you can read more in my previous news article, as my avatar to remind myself to get this job done. Those who regularly meet me at the forums, may already have seen her by now.

Like I said before, the main quest is now close to the final stage of development, which makes it harder for me to keep you up to date

Even now that we have spoiler tags, I don’t want any spoiler released onto the internet prior to the main release.

Things are on the move, and soon I hope to tell you more how things go. Due to some big sidequests that will also be added to the game, I cannot yet give an ETA. Having this all done before 2017 appears realistic, but is not yet a promise.



Next up

Beta has been released

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Alpha status

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