The rupture

5 years ago

more concept art :D



Next up

New screenshoot's of the gameplay , a new update is coming soon

new art concepts for the beginning of the game, our character is in trouble!

We improve the movement of the player (it no longer slides) and we add armor to the enemies.

Some concepts made by our artist and friend Jose Carlos Chacon! <3

correcting some game bugs...

We are working in the next update. We added to the prototype: - Camera follows player - Procedurally generated maps - Dust particles when the player run - Improved sprites - UI Minimap

We are under attack!

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.