I made this account around the time Foxy asked me out, so if u wanna see when our anniversary is or something check when I joined GJ, it'll be close.

I once almost went to jail, I really don't wanna talk about why.

I'm not a furry but I don't have anything against them either.

My birthday's on October 11.

Went to medical school for 2 out of 4 years.

I'm very sensitive to anything to do with my family.

Might make a 3rd facts about me irl!



Next up

Rest In Peace, Ralph

Some just can't take the truth.

Some just deserve an air fryer to the head ngl.

Took this of friend, fucking love how it came out


Cutest spider I've ever seen

Rough Trace Part 1

Happy Birthday To:

My Bestest Amigo And Funny Man From Hollywood Undead

Rough Trace Part 2