????: I brushed it off at first, but it would seem that it is true. Something HAS changed in FBEQ-001.
????: All of these images I've been receiving are showing events that had never occurred before.

????: A grayscale filter...

????: More than 3 Cupcakes entering the battle...

????: Heck even that dreadful tower had something new.
????: And it's not just one timeline. Other timeline variants have noticeable changes as well.

????: There's even a new entity in one of them.
????: Boss. What are your thoughts on this? What causes these extremely significant changes.
???: Your guess is just as good as mine, ????.
????: So what's our next move? Send our two agents to depart to this world once more?
???: Not yet. I want you to observe this world. Make notes of what has changed, and what remains the same. We need to be completely sure that everything is safe. Especially for...
????: ...I understand. You can count on me boss. I won't blink even for a second.
???: That's a little too extreme but, I'll leave it to you then.
. . . .
????: Okay then, where do I start...
????: How about, that fateful night where it all began. The night of debauchery she was invited to. Yeah, that's a good start.
????: Alright then, begin observation... Right after I get my snacks and drinks. I'd be booored if I don't indulge myself with them.
Phew. That sure was a wild ride eh? I wonder who those two were? We might see them again some time. Who knows~
Now then, I suppose this is the perfect time to make an announcement of what I've been working on. But instead of telling, I will show it. Take a look...
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