3 days ago

#morningjolt and #stardustsweep everyone

Stardust is leading hard by 200k points btw



Next up

“Can't wait for Project 2025”

It broke the first amendment little bro.

Trying something new is fun guys

The experiment was supposed to be simple

Also should the guy on the right be an OC? (He's a spy for the Shallot aliens on Earth)

Guy on left is just Zilch in a disguise


(Yes I'm using the WIP I have for cover placeholder)

What those sigma kids really need to learn instead of disrespecting others that aren't a carbon copy of them:

Was trying to give him a complete different highlights but he looks like a zestified, ourple-haired version of Elusive/Male Rarity

Makania OC dump

Can y'all give him a name and some themes (I need at least three, each from different languages)? I'll shout out those who help in additional credits in his Artfight profile

Am I the only one person in Makania fandom who acts like a typical harmless fandom member? Like instead of using current situation into a video and call it content, I make higher quality OCs and fan contents

What do y'all think so far?

Should I draw this interaction?