1 year ago


idk bro this just happened somehow



Next up

just scaled a cliff feeling good

really cool rainbow from a storm that just came through

also got that 3rd pic while on a walk

sans does blackface confirmed

headshot anim-ation attack 4 @Lawlzerz_ NOOB

plus very rough animation concept too cuz why not

ok heres an idea...

"making a game with dementia" how does that sound ?


Sir there is no uncensored version

Bedroom bexi

“yeah, im pretty cool”

(thats my dog btw)

coding has officially begun!

i got the engine template from @_ilovecookies_ so i made this little mockup

guys i have turned myself into a Dauschund and its permanent

@Duuud made this for me shortly after his own transformation into a Shiba