1 year ago

My CD collection.
The first image has an xbox 360 case,and u might wonder why its there but its also filled with more cds.

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I bet Jinx wrote that,lol.

Omg,i need a mini suitcase. I hoard mini and small things and it would fit in there. I bet i can find

I was wondering what types of amnesias were out there,idk why,dont ask. And this is the one i have =D

Gotta love trauma,yea?

U either remember the bad,or end up forgetting the bad but everything else

I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie :)


OhNo,LeT's CrY AbOuT It Bro,they can deal with me not going on it for one week,ok?

I think this day is stupid tbh -_-

This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.