1 month ago

My exams will start tomorrow :0

I'll be more active starting from may 13th.

(Once again, thank you for 400 followers)

May 13th is my SpawnDay btw.



Next up

Ererer VS Noooo9ooo you kill mi brotha!!!!

Hear me out-

heyy @Everyone its me FD im really nervous but also excited to say this but im coming out as Trans yaya ^w^

its been a really hard decision for me but im glad i finally did it

(art is by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic thank you so much :>)

Anyways, gm.

hiya all so ive been waiting a long time to say this but im coming out as bisexual yaya :>

(art by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic :>)

I am rich

You know what?

I think i've changed my mind.

My posts never got featured on this community, this is why I don't like this community.