Five Nights at Wario's: Anniversary Edition (BACK TO WORK!)

4 months ago

My Final Project, until every other project gets finished



Next up

After 5 Silent Months, the game receives the next devlog!

(Read article)

Devlog #1

(Game update + more)

This game is still on Hiatus, but I wanted to showcase the finalized designs for the main cast

Me and My friend @Tartiston got bored so we decided to recreate some already existing Wario renders With our own editing style

(Top is og)

(Article is both of our remakes)

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.


Updated Giant Render - Final


(Read Devlog)