2 years ago

My first submission in a while: Gabriel
(read article)

Name: Gabriel

Spawn: random hallway

Mechanics: Wanders the school in his idle sprite, when he sees the player he switches to his talking to player sprite and plays this audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k1oooBGfWfrDlL80QQ-68AAr_1K2Om2t/view?usp=sharing
after he talks a timer for 1 minute will appear and he will stand still and change to his waiting sprite. If you get him a Bsoda on time he will give you a gold coin and play this audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10J6Mf8BBgAn3cutiIR0_oDpvz-FBxhIw/view?usp=sharing but if you take too long he will change to his too long sprite and play this audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14stKgoM7jL46_wK6_DwaN1DVXgSxxBr5/view?usp=sharing after playing the audio you will get put into detention by the principal.



Next up

gumball in my artstyle

ive been drawing in different artstyles because its cool and ya

hey guys, just to let you know this is NOT me, I dont even have a newsground account, hopefully this acc gets deleted

got back into doing anim8or models and made this guy in like 3 minutes. you can use him for whatever you want if you just credit me

me finding this old cringe accoutn after almost a year:

kappa mikey season one